About Steve Ross, MA, LMFT (CA)*

Steve Ross is a stress management specialist and *California-licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with over 25 years' experience. He confirms what Dr. Andrew Weil has said, that there is virtually no condition that abdominal breathing cannot benefit, especially anxiety-related conditions. Steve has seen that the combination of diaphragmatic breathing and oxygenation techniques ~ coupled with basic mindfulness exercises ~ is the simplest, most effective way to stop stress, block anxiety, get some peace of mind, and improve overall health and well-being.
In addition to Breathe Well ~ Feel Better sessions, Steve also offers counseling, teaches regular mindfulness meditation classes sponsored by two of Tucson's leading cancer centers, and facilitates a bi-monthly men's cancer support group at the Banner/University Medical Center.
Steve sees clients in Tucson at two central locations, works by phone with long-distance clients, and will make local home or hospital / facility visits as needed.
Steve is co-author of How To Get Married After 40, A Radical Approach To Finding Your Mate ~ The Path of Authenticity, available from amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com. For a personally inscribed hard copy, please order directly from Steve.
Steve Ross, MA, LMFT (CA)*
Mindful Counseling & Consulting
(520) 825-2009
[email protected]
http://www.breathingcoachtucson.com or
* licensed in California
Mindful Counseling & Consulting
(520) 825-2009
[email protected]
http://www.breathingcoachtucson.com or
* licensed in California